How Do Professional Photographers Print Photos?

man standing over large photo print

laura gardiner - tribeca printworks studio manager

by Laura Gardiner
Studio Manager, Tribeca Printworks

Professional photo printing has come a long way since film and developed negatives. With today’s technology, professional photographers can access digital printing platforms that prepare quality prints for them and their clients.

What Is Digital Printing?

Digital printing is a technique allowing photographers and clients to convert files into tangible prints. You may have seen photo printing machines in your local drug store or supercenter — these are examples of an instant digital printing process. If you’re enhancing your images beforehand, using an automatic photo editor can help refine details before printing. Companies like us at Tribeca Printworks can digitally print your photos with high-quality finishes and send them right to your doorstep.

Why Should You Print Your Photography?

Printing your professional photos has several benefits beyond how simple prints are to order. If you are still on the fence about printing photographs, consider the following reasons why you should.

Create Tangible Memories

Your or your clients’ memories are precious and should be displayed. Printing physical photos allows memories to become tangible displays. These moments can be some of the most significant events in your life — like a wedding, a prominent anniversary or a child’s first birthday.

You can even cherish simple moments with a candid photo of your family laughing, your spouse cradling your child and reading a book aloud, or your pets cuddling. Whatever the event may be, it’s a real moment with so much meaning.

Have an Extra Copy

As much as technology is beneficial, it can also experience difficulties, sometimes losing photos after a big update or when transferring phones. You can keep your photos safe by having physical copies. Physical copies are also much clearer than photos on a phone or computer — a 12×18-inch print of your favorite wedding photo will always beat its 3×5-inch alternative.

Make Your House a Home

Displaying personal photographs in your home or apartment transforms the space into your own. Photos are an effortless way to fill the walls and create a cozy, lived-in atmosphere.

If you are a nature photographer, the beautiful landscapes you’ve captured can brighten up any room. Additionally, think of your clients — printing their photos can be a pleasant surprise for them to hang in their homes and see every day.

Our Printing Offerings

At Tribeca Printworks, we offer various professional fine art printing options in our shop and online, including:

Techniques for the Highest-Quality Professional Photo Prints

You want to be sure your digital photo file is high quality before creating a larger print. Follow these shooting techniques to ensure an image turns out how you want it to.

1. Keep Your ISO Low

If your ISO speed is too high, your photo will appear digitally noisy. This causes details to look fuzzy and the overall sharpness to be dull. Keeping your ISO around 100 or 200 can help your light sensitivity.

2. Use a Sharp Aperture

Before shooting, be sure to recognize the depth of field needed for appropriate focus. Whenever possible, try to stay around f/8 on most lenses. This can obviously vary depending on your shutter speed or other surroundings, but using the sharpest aperture possible will create an equally sharp photo.

3. Stay Underexposed

Overexposure in the original photo can make its blown-up version appear sheer or white in certain places. Staying on the underexposure side of your settings can ensure all the color comes through.

4. Increase Shutter Speed

Increasing your shutter speed can make your photos less susceptible to movement, especially if you are taking photos without a tripod. Start by using a shutter speed of at least 1/focal length. Shooting in burst mode can also help you choose the sharpest photos from several of the same options.

5. Use a Quality Lens

With camera equipment, you often get what you pay for. Investing in a quality lens will make your pictures sharper and more detailed.

Partner With Tribeca Printworks

Tribeca Printworks is happy to help professional photographers figure out how to print their pictures. If you’re looking to perfect your images before printing, using an automatic photo editor can be a great way to enhance details.

Contact us with questions, visit us in our studio in New York City or order your custom prints online today!